  • 产品名称:AIMS新生鼠纹身系统NEO-9

  • 产品型号:
  • 产品厂商:Aims
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eonate tattooing made Simple, Quick & EASY!

The AIMS™ NEO-9 Neonate Tattooing System was developed just for tattooing P0 - P15 neonate rodents of any color/strain. This comprehensive tattoo ID kit comes complete with everything you need to tattoo ~2000 neonates.

The detailed training guide provides step-by-step guidance with detailed illustrations of ID schemes with small and large number ranges.

Neonate tattoo identification is a practical and humane alternative to toe clipping. Toe tattoos allow you to use your existing numbering system for toe clipping without removing the toe.

The comprehensive manual "Lab Animal Tattoo Identification Vol. 1. Neonate Mice & Rats" (with DVD Instruction), written by Eric H. Weyand, Ph.D., shows you exactly how to maximize your investment. AIMS™ tattoo equipment is heavy duty and built exclusively for the laboratory environment.

AIMS™ equipment will last as long as you're working with animals. Each system comes with a 1 year comprehensive warranty and you will not have to re-invest in additional equipment.



